
在队医进行紧急救治期间,丹麦球员为他筑起人墙,看台上的丹麦球迷也送国旗为他遮挡,看台上的两队球迷共同呐喊埃里克森的名字为他加油祈祷。 丹麦球员为埃里克森筑起的最美人墙 在丹麦和芬兰的比赛中,所有人都成了全力挽救埃里克森生命的队友,帮助他战胜了死神。这所有的举动和细节闪烁出了无数人性的光辉,这就是足球教会我们的! 比赛看完了,球队也出线了,当代年轻人还是要老实面对熬夜带来的各种后果~毕竟社畜还是要乖乖上班呀。 其实“熬夜”(staying up late)也是近年来雅思口语考试的一个经典话题,最常见的是: 1. Do you often stay up late? 你经常熬夜吗? 2. What do you do when you stay up late? 你熬夜的时候都在干嘛? 3. How do you feel when you have stayed up late the night before? 熬夜之后第二天你的感觉如何? 4. What are the bad effects of staying up late? 熬夜的不良后果是什么? 月亮睡了你不睡,医院等你去缴费。 其实有关“熬夜”的这些问题都是较为常见的提问方式,包括频率类、感受类和结果类等等,答题时可以采用“ 观点+细节”的方式,也就是说首先给出明确回应(观点),再用解释原因、举例子或描述特点的方法展开回答,补充细节。 很多同学的难点在于话题词汇的储备量太少。不过不用担心,因为词汇在口语考试四项评分标准中是提升最容易、速度最快的一项,只要把糖糖列出的这些高分表达都记到小本本上,没事读一读,不出一周一定见效! 如果你是个夜猫子: 熬夜=burn the midnight oil, to pull the all-nighter 夜猫子=a night owl, a night person 熬夜让人心累,但不要再只会说tired: 产生不负面影响=to take a toll 疲惫的=knackered, weary, drained, exhausted 咖啡因影响的=caffeinated 睡or不睡?That&aposs a question: 去睡觉=hit the sack, hit the hay, turn in(求求了别再说go to bed) 熟睡=sleep like a log 一宿没合眼=couldn’t sleep a wink 辗转反侧= toss and turn 睡懒觉=have a lie in 美容觉=beauty rest 白天打瞌睡=doze off 有了这些话题词汇,来看下糖糖为大家准备的高分答案吧!强烈建议每天读三遍!!! 01 Do you often stay up late? Yes, I stay up late quite often. I’m a typical night owland have a clearer mind and creative thinkingat the night time. 是的,我经常熬夜。我绝对是个夜猫子,晚上会有更加清醒的头脑和一些新想法。 a night owl 夜猫子 creative thinking 创新性思维 02 What do you do when you stay up late? I just enjoy the peace and quietness. Staying up late can be a great chance to rest, meditate, and think about life without interruptions. I prefer to use the late night hours for reading and journaling or for mild yoga movements. 我只是享受安详与宁静。熬夜是一个很好的进行休息、冥想和思考人生的机会,并且无人打扰。我更喜欢用夜里的这几个小时阅读和写日记,或者做一些柔和的瑜伽。 meditate /Ⲷed⛝e⛝/ v. 冥想 interruption /Ⲯu26Ant╾u2C8r⣹⡧/ n. 打扰 journal /ⲍ⤎u25Cⴷl/ v. 记日记 yoga movement 瑜伽动作 03 How do you feel when you have stayed up late the night before? Many people complain that they feel drained, sleepy and obviously less energetic after a staying up night. However, these phenomena never happened to me. No matter how late I got to sleep the last night, I’ll still be refreshed and vigorous the next day. 很多人都抱怨熬夜后会感到疲惫、困和没精神。但我从没遇到过这些情况。不管我头天晚上睡得多晚,第二天我都依然活力无限。 complain /k◆ⲹle⛗/ v. 抱怨 drained /dre⛗d/ adj. 精疲力尽的 phenomenon /f╾u2C8n╖⛗◇/ n. 现象 refresh /r勸re⠨ v. 恢复活力 vigorous /ⲿ⚎u261○◌/ adj. 精力充沛的 04 What are the bad effects of staying up late? I guess it must be the hair loss. Staying up late in a long term of years makes people more likely to be caught up in nerves. If the brain is in a state of high tensionfor a long time, it will lead to poor blood circulationof the scalp, which is the root causeof hair loss. 我想肯定是脱发。长期熬夜让人们更容易产生神经紧张的问题。如果大脑长时间处在高压之下,就会导致头皮的血液循环不畅,而这是脱发的根本原因。 hair loss 脱发 be caught up in 陷入…… nerve /n▮u2D0v/ n. 神经紧张,神经衰弱 a state of high tension 高压的状态 blood circulation 血液循环 scalp /sk/ n. 头皮 root cause 根本原因 今天的分享就先到这里啦,有什么问题评论区给糖糖留言哦~

