
2022年成人高考学位英语试题附答案和解析(4) 小编推荐:2022年成人高考学位英语模拟试题及答案汇总 1.Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders _____ will happen to her private life. A.that B.what C.it D.this [译文] 虽然安娜对自己的成功感到很高兴,但她想知道她的私人生活将发生什么。 答案为B.本题考点:连接词的用法。wonder后是一个宾语从句,根据句子意思,应选连接代词what既做从句的主语,又起连接作用。 2.Wouldn't you rather your child _____ to bed early? A.go B.went C.would go D.goes [译文] 为什么你不愿让你的孩子早点上床休息呢? 答案为B.would rather 的用法。would rather 后的从句应用一般过去时。 3.Some diseases are _____ by certain water animals. A.transplanted B.transformed C.transported D.transmitted [译文] 有些疾病是通过水生动物传播的。 答案为D.本题考点:词义的辨析。A.transplant移植 B.transform改变;使变态;改造,改革 C.transport 运输 D.transmit信息、信号或疾病的.传递、传播。 4.This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen _____ Comfortably. A.is worn B.wears C.wearing D.are worn [译文] 这种有经验的工人制作的眼镜带起来很舒服。 答案为B.本题涉及wear等动词的习惯用法。英语中有不少动词与"well"等副词连用,其主动形式表示被动意义。如:The essay reads smoothly.这篇文章读起来很流畅.。The cloth washes easily这布料好洗.。 5.The sale usua1ly takes place outside the house, with the audience on benches, chairs or boxes. A.having seated B.seating C.seated D.having been seated [译文] 甩卖活动通常在户外举行,那时人们都坐在长凳上,椅子上或箱子上。 答案为C.在本句中seat的某种形式做audience的定语。seat常用被动形式表示就坐。 6.Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it _____ in Cuba. A.being cultivated B.been cultivated C.having cultivated D.cultivating [译文] 源于新大陆的玉米,直到哥伦布在古巴发现它的种植后,才传到欧洲。 答案为A.本题考点:分词的用法。find后的宾语补足语可以用过去分词,也可以是现在分词。在本句中玉米被种植,所以A项being cultivated过去分词的进行体.符合要求。 7.The hopes, goals, fears and desires _____ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor. A.alter B.shift C.transfer D.vary [译文] 男人与女人之间,富人与穷人之间,他们的希望、目标、恐惧与渴望有很大的区别。 答案为D.本题考点:动词词义辨析。A.alter更改,改变 B.shift 转换,转移,移动C.transfer 转移;传递,传输D.vary变化,不同,相当于be different. 8.I don't mind _____ the decision as long as it is not too late. A.you to delay making C.your delaying to make B.your delaying making D.you delay to make [译文] 只要不要拖延得太晚,你推迟作出决定,我不介意。 答案为B.本题考点:mind和delay的用法。此题中mind和delay后都应用动名词,根据选项中出现的you和your分析,是在考动名词的复合形式。动名词的复合形式是形容词性的物主代词加上动名词。 9.Niagara Falls is a great tourist _____, drawing millions of visitors every year. A.attention B.attraction C.appointment D.arrangement [译文] 尼亚加拉瀑布是一个大的旅游景点对游客有巨大吸引力的地方.,每年要吸引上百万的人。 答案为B.本题考点:名词词义辨析。A.attention 注意;B.attraction 吸引人的事物或人;C.appointment 约会;D.arrangement安排。 10.Mrs. Smith was so _____ about everything that no servants could please her. A.specific B.special C.precise D.particular [答案] D [译文] Smith夫人对于所有事情都很挑剔,所以没有一个仆人能让她高兴。 [解析] Be particular about sth.表示“对……挑剔,吹毛求疵”。 11.It is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses them that_____ him a scientist. A.make B.makes C.made D.will make 答案:B 解析:【译文】不是科学家所使用的工具,而是现在他使用工具的方法使他成为一名科学家。 本题考查强调句中的谓语动词用法。句中后半部分的主语是“how he uses them”,故为单数形式,又前半句“It is…”句中为一般现在时,故选B。 12.During the heavy storm last week, we had to take_____ under a flyover. A.shade B.shelter C.shadow D.shield 答案:B 解析:【译文】上周下暴雨时,我们不得不在天桥下躲雨。 本题考查词组搭配。take shelter是习惯搭配,意为“躲避风雨,避难”,under a flyover意为“在立交桥下”。shade意为“荫凉处”;shield意为“盾,防护物”。故选B。 13.A completely new situation will _____ when the exam system comes into existence. A.arise B.rise C.raise D.arouse 答案:A 解析:【译文】随着新的考试系统应运而生,将会出现一个全新的局面。 本题考查动词词义辨析。arise意为“出现,发生”;rise意为“升起,上升”;raise意为提高.养育”;arouse意为。引起,唤起”。故选A。 14. Rabbits are quiet animals,_____ they are able to make 20 different sounds. A.how B.in spite of C.because of D.even though 答案:D 解析:【译文】尽管兔子可以发出20种不同的声音,它还是一种安静的动物。 本题考查让步状语从句引导词。根据句意分析,不难得出本句是一个让步状语从句。in spite of和even though都可以表示让步转折,但是in spite of后面不能直接接句子,需要加that,故选D。 15.It is necessary for students to take tests at monthly______ A.Intervals B.times C.periods D.terms 答案:A 解析:【译文】让学生们参加每月的考试很有必要。 本题考查的是名词用法辨析。intervals意为“间隔”;times意为“次数”;periods意为“时期”;terms意为“期限”。月与月之间“monthly”应当用intervals,表间隔,故选A。 16.Since it is already midnight, we,_____ now. A.had better leaving B.had better leave C.had better to leave D.had better have left 答案:B 解析:【译文】现在已经半夜了,我们最好还是走吧。 本题考查固定搭配。had better do sth.意为“最好做某事”,had better后必须接动词原形。故选B。 17.If you spare half an hour each day to read an English newspaper, you will surely be able to read______ A.efficiently B.sufficiently C.actually D.purposefully 答案:A 解析:【译文】如果你每天花半个小时读英文报纸,一定能高效阅读。 本题考查副词词义。efficiently高效率J也;sufficiently充足地;actually事实上地;purposefully故意地。故选A。 18.It is necessary to put bottles of pills out of______ A.reach B.hand C.Hold D.place 答案:A 解析:【译文】药瓶应被置于无法触到的地方。 本题考查固定搭配。out of reach是固定搭配,意指“够不着,碰不到”。故选A。 19. We will agree to do what you require______him. A.of B.from C.to D.for 答案:A 解析:【译文】我们同意你要求他做的事。 本题考查介词的搭配。require意为“要求,需求”,require sth.of sb.对某人有…的要求;require sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事。故选A。 20. Lord Jim_____ a private school five years ago with the money he earned through hard work. A.finds B.found C.founds D.founded 答案:D 解析:【译文】吉姆老爷五年前用他努力工作赚的钱创办了一所私立学校。 本题考查近形词辨析。find的过去式是found,而found也是一个动词,意为“创办,建立”,其过去式是founded。根据句意这里应该是“创办”的意思,与后面的earned时态一致,所以用过去式founded。故选D。

